About Musicals' Choir
Bringing music to the Raval and all over Barcelona

Musicals' Choir is a choral group formed by girls and boys from Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, which has specialized in repertoire from musicals. Their performances do not leave you indifferent, the freshness, the intensity with which they step on the stage, the joy and above all the desire to express the inner world of each of them, reaches directly to the heart of the spectators.
Musicals' Choir is the youth choir of the School of Musicians and JPC and is made up of 50 boys and girls from Ciutat Vella. The choir started performing in February 2014.
Despite being a very young choir, it has already performed at the Mercè 2016 festivities, at the Fabricarte 2017 urban festival, in spaces such as the ONCE Auditorium, the chamber hall of the Palau de la Música, at the Barcelona Auditorium, at the Goya Theater, at the Romea Theater, at caixaFòrum, Teatre Catòlic de l'Hospitalet, at the Hotel Cotton, Casino de l'Hospitalet, Sant Gaietà, Sant Agustí among others. It has performed with the choir A quatre veus from Mallorca, performing in concerts in the auditorium of Cala Rajada and the Teatre d'Artà. It collaborated with Alvaro de la Peña with the show Quinzena de la Dansa. The choir has presented the show Miserables' Concert, together with GrupCello.Cat, directed by Anna Mora. In June 2019 it performed with Ramon Mirabet at the Pedralbes Festival.
In the 2017-18 academic year, the choir took an active part in a show within the Barris en Dansa project with 150 dancers, which led it to sing in such important venues as the CCCB, Teatre Juventut, La Caldera, Ateneu de l'Hospitalet and the Sala Ovidi Montllor of the Flower Market.
The choir recorded a video with the Tribalian Project platform, the choirs of Ramon Mirabet's forthcoming work and made his first studio recording in June 2019, in the recording studio of L'Escola de Músics and JPC, Barcelona .